Investment Planning

A lot of people have made millions trading in stock or doing one form of business   or the other but they have failed woefully when it comes to multiplying their investment and building up a reserve for their future. The small and medium class money investors and savers are going to suffer more from the current value and crash against future value: no thanks to the current biting cost of living.
Most don’t even know where else to invest their hard earned money or easy    gotten money nor are they able to determine an immediate investment to grow      their money; hence they become poor again after sometime. What a dilemma!
Yes it can all end in a negative way. When there is a need, there is always a                       solution, financial planning must always takes; center stage if you really need to take your personal finance to another level. Putting every money you earn      into a planning system is like making all effort to clear full hectare of land                                   and planting your entire seed on the plantation for a harvest but refreshing                     to weed or maintain the land.
Setting Investment Goals
To set an investment goal or target, you should look at your future (long term   life) ambition first. Once t his is set in place you are home and dry. If you     want to invest in a building project.
To be effective in using this part of this article you must make sure you have a   pen and paper by your side because after now your life is going to change.  Also you need to create a good spiritual atmosphere so that the Lord almighty       will guide your decisions on your goals.
Now after setting the investment goals i.e. what you want to put your resources                 into, there is another goal which runs hand-in-hand with the main goal, this is         the final goal.
The financial goal is very important because it is major ingredient                                            that will enhance the fulfillment of your investment goal.  A young                     man that  has a future  plan to own a house  or his own or buy a car of his  own  must at  the same time think of how finance this  future ambition.

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