Hour of Decision

Prayer Changes Things

Prayer makes a seemingly helpless minority

A mighty force that can influence the destiny

Of nations. A servant of God has written;

Prayer has divided seas, rolled up flowing

Rivers, made flinty rocks gush out into fountains

Quench flames of fire, muzzled lions, and disarmed vipers

And poison, marshaled the stars against the wicked

Stop the course of the moo, arrested the rapid sun in

Its great race burst open Iron Gate.

Recalled souls from eternity, conquered the strongest devils

And command legions of angels down from heaven. Prayer

Has bridled and changed the ranging passion of man, and

Routed and destroyed vast armies of proud, daring blustering

Atheists. Prayer has brought one man from the bottom of sea

And carried another in a chariot of fire to heaven.

What has prayer not done?’ satan cannot hurt, halt or

Effectively hinder the work of God if we Pray.

If You Call It a Day!
If you call it a day today
Won’t you be scared of going home?
To meet your God
Prepared or unprepared
Of what life will be after death

Have you attended your funeral?
Won’t you be scared if you where called home today
Do the fear of death hunt you is a normal thing shah!
But deep down within you, you know why
If you call it a day

If you call it a day today
What will be your fate (faith)
Heaven or Hell which one out of it
What will be your lot remember lots wife
How about your life…calling it a day!

When you close your eyes
And the porters of eternity is open
When your spirit have left your body
And your body is laid to dust
You’re left with six feet

Will you be save through a long eternity?
Or lost through a long eternity?
If you are called to call it a day
Today this moment…. live in eternity in view
If you called it a day!


One Life! only one life and it is so brief

Moses compares it to a sleep

David speaks of it as a shadow

Job likens it to a weaver’s shuttle.

Just empty without nothing

so it is vanity upon vanity less to nothing

live today as in tomorrow

‘cos what you see today will not be there tomorrow.

Jame thinks of it as a vapour

Peter sees it like a grass that withers

not many lives; one, only one

and a narrow span at that!

let’s learn to spend it wisely.

I shall pass through this world but once

any good things therefore that I can do

or any kindness that I can show any humanbeing,

let me do it now defer nor neglect it

for I shall not pass this way again.


Been going around all alone

On my own

With my own ways of life

Not knowing what to do

What to say sick and confuse

Of life!

Worries of the way

Life has been

Looking back

Sitting down at the close of each day

Taking inventory of the past life.

The challenges of life

The storms that rages

The wave that waves

In the midst of the stormy trails

What a life!

Been to different places

In a distant land far and wide

Many times have tried and toiled

But after each standing comes a fall.

Looking for help in my weakness

Looking for hope in a hopeless situation

Friends are gone…leaders are no where

To offer a godly counsel of the way out

Just all by myself.

But in spite of it all

I have a friend what a friend we have in Jesus

Who went to Calvary?

Then I remember a song

“Take your burden to the Lord

And leave it there if you trust Him

Never doubt He will surely

Bring you out take your burden to the Lord

And leave it there”.

The Battle Within
Everyone born of a woman

Has a battle that goes on within them

The battle between the evil and the bad

The battle within the mind of man

For supremacy among two personality.

In every life

There goes on inwardly that battle

Of the mind making them a arrival

Over one another the two

Parallel line that must not meet

One as the light the other darkness

Striving to surpass the other

That’s the battle within the human mind.

Some strive by all means

To stay afloat but always

Comes a fall after each risen up

I call such things weakness

Is in various form

Which tends to destroy the victim.

Outside its victim appear good

In the eyes of friend and everyone

But within the battle rages

With a serious strive

To dominate the other

Oh what a pitiable state.

Has try every available means

To overcome and subdue

This monster called weakness

Threaten to destroy the soul

Making it unfulfilled before God

And fellow men.

Looking up everyday

Waking up each day

With the prayer and wishes

To be liberated and gain controlled

But more the victim tries

The more the hotter the battles becomes.

God give me wisdom to handle my weakness the victim’s prayer

Sings Of the Times

Of what life will be

At the close of the day

Of what use it will be

When all is useless

Amounting to less to nothing.

Changes abound

Fiends that started with you

Gave yield to pressure of life

In pursuit of an easy life
never minding its effect and consequences.

Some are just living

Without tomorrow in view

Allowing the pressure of time

The world its deeds and ways

To take away God’s word in them.

Oh! Gone with time

Without no hope of returning

Living in the past…ex-glory

Not all that run will win

The race is not for the strong.

All around are given into changes

They’ve Muddle the word

And take away Christ

Living in yesterday’s power

Backing off from the track

Leaving the ancient landmark.

Signs of the time

Is everywhere?

Getting cold in the spirit

The spirit is willing but the flesh is week

The hearts of men are failing them.

The battle of the last days

The devil is waging a war an end time war

Is preparing is army

Calling for reinforcement ‘cos

Is running out of time.

No time to loose

His using all the available means and method

The media, fashion, Internet and music

It’s tactics and strategies

Is in injury time.

The might’s are failing

Giving into changes

Some pastors feel as if they are the big men

That died for the world

The love of God waxing cold so cold.

The race is not for the swift

Nor the battle for the meek in the heart

Or the self-righteous

One that plays the region

It takes grace to stand

It takes Grace to stand

When you cannot stand

It takes Grace to stand

When face with temptation

It takes Grace to stand

To overcome the struggle within

It takes Grace to stand

When what you’ve left in past coming back

It takes Grace to stand

When the pressure of friends and family comes beckoning.

Changes abound to happen

It’s what remains constant

As times goes by

Moment after moment

Change for neither good nor evil.

Change has the power to stimulate

It has the power to open close door

It has the ability to create a drive

Change in believe.

Change in conviction

Change in commitment

Change in consecrations

Change in communication

Change in everything

The world is flitting away

See what you see today

Will not be there tomorrow

What looks appealing today?

Cannot look the same tomorrow.

Make the best use of today

To prepare your soul

The one that will live forever

Are you that will decide that?

Where it will be Heaven or Hell.

Your life today counts not the past

The decision now matters in eternity

You may think you’re far from home

Wondering child come home

No matter how the past has been

What you’ve done

Only if you can forgive yourself

That’s when change is certain

Before you’ll get to the point of no return.

Is a call to attention?

Tomorrow may mean goodbye

Will never know when or why

From beauty will leave sleep by

Our body is laid to dust

The road is straight and narrow

Leading to my father’s house

The father standing awaiting your return

Wondering child come home

Remember where you are coming from

Wake up and go back home

To the father’s house He’ll welcome

You never be swept away by times

The sands of time!!!

We are soldiers of the cross

Born to rule to dominate

We are earth born but heaven bound

We are strangers we are alien

We are not of this world.

That’s why we are God’s ambassadors

Made for Him and for His glory

We are God’s property

Chosen and called by Him

To be His own.

We are soldiers of the cross

And we count all things but lost

For the cause of knowing Jesus

We will sacrifice all our all

Facing onward to the wind.

Pressing onward till the end

All our life we now surrender

We are servant we are soldiers

Of the cross…God our mighty captain

We are soldiers.

God help us to follow

His banner and serve him

We ever we go

And when we are tempted

God give us grace to say no!

Wind of Change
Wind, you don’t know

Where is coming from or where

It is going.

…Change is to make something

Become different for good.

Life is not far but quilting or caring is not the solution, remember weeping may endure in the night but joy cometh in the morning you may be in the midst of the most terrible situation in your life or in the midst of trouble when all hope is gone, problems upon problems be strong and take courage what you are going through is not a new thing remember Job, Ruth and Jabez el.

Everyone in life has a problem; it could be financial, spiritual, material, academical and psychological etc the problem is not there to destroy you but to strengthen you, winds comes from all directions but problem comes from two sources –from God, -from devil. The problem that comes from God comes as a test so you will have testimony while that of the devil comes for destruction of human life but remember problems don’t leave us the way they find us you are the one that will determines that which the problem will do to you.

Wind of change will make your end better than the beginning: all you need to do is stop running around and hold on to God in place of prayer, it is not your to change until you turn to God and things will only change for you when you change for God if there will be a change you have to seek His kingdom and His righteousness all other things will be added unto you, is high time you let go sin pretense, playing religion and allow the wind of change (God Himself) to rule over the affairs of your life.

Do you know you are living on a borrowed life?

Only one life with various possibilities to live for Christ or devil

Early in life when he was born we thought another wisely

Was in making but after the years of coming into the world

But carries is face of regret of indecision early in life

We thought another John was in making oh…but

He ended up been another Judas who gave up his master

Just for the love of money wasting away

Wasted years…oh how foolish.

Only one life

With many decision to make invitation here and there

Come here come over there living a borrowed life

One day you’ll give account of your life

Of how you’ve lived here on earth

Your account will be brought before your make

To give an account of your life past and present

Then if a imbursement is found on your account

There will be no reimbursement on that day

The day of reckoning

Friend is Only One Life you have here

Are you living right should you die tonight?

Is it well with your soul?

Of what life will be after life?

While you are gone once the silver cord

Man goes to his eternal home

Your body is laid to dust

And you’ve called it a day.

Make a decision today

Decide to you will live for?

Do you know you’ve been declared wanted?

By two personality

One as a Saviour the other as an assassin

You’ve got no time they did

They know you where you are headed

The next place of call! Yes.

A life lived outside Christ

Is a life full of crisis?

So make a choice today

And accept Christ and be save

Will you be save through along eternity

Or lost through along time…where will you spend eternity?