Discovery 4 You!

Start Well

As human never limit yourself start with what you have lunch out early cause each opportunity comes calling while some wait for the bigger opportunity without not been able to see that such opportunity again they are just waiting and opening their eyes to see that they needed to start well by starting with what they have, starting well is starting by what you have that little thing that you have that you think is just little can turn you into what you’ve never dreamt of or think will be until you are loaded that’s when you’ll be needed.

Remember you start well to finish well, be rest assured that your ability to start the courage to take that bold step will change a lot of things here is all about making a move steeping forward going from your comfort zone to where you see yourself a new brave new world lunch into the dip “think big” you got the skills.

Use your talent make use of that talent to explore the world around turn your talent to success making it a stepping stone to success making you a pathfinder in life for others a pace setter.

Today start well, you got to start early to arrive early the future is for those who are ready to make every minute and everyday count never deferring for an hour a tray blazer making the best out of life never given up a winning spirit born to reign and born to rule up there is meant for you the class of nobles. That’s what you are made to be a hero, a heroine waiting to be celebrated by the world cause they are waiting for you, you’re someone’s mentor.

Until you are loaded that’s only when you’ll be needed attending seminar, read books, build on your talent get to know those who have the same vision and dreams that you have meet with them those who have been where you are going remember to go the road you don’t know ask those who are coming back from that same place you are going to connect to the right people and right source (God)

Package yourself very well self image matters a lot in attaining greatness in and that greatness comes with a responsibility, be committed to your pursuit in life, hard work never kills it strengthen the mind so work hard there’s no shortcut to success never cut corners but follow a duel process and success will come your way it will last through the night for you the world stands aside for that person who knows where is going. Your image a brand, your character a reputation, your ability a skill and talent and above all God the source of your existence never feel too big for Him.

Here are the three C’s of what it takes for you to start well: Christ, Character and Connection. Remember you are nothing without cause He is the fountain head of all pleasure you can’t outlive Him and you cannot live without Him see to yourself that you have God in your life with Him you triumph over every foes irrespective of who they are, where they operate on land nor on the sea with Him you are something without Him you’re less to nothing start with God and arrive big.

Character makes room for a man where he thinks he cannot get to in life, our character is the bases on which people, human judge us but when will come before God our character our reputation matters not before Him but our heart. So character is what a man is in the dark so friend work on your character be a people person.

Connection meet with the right person, speak with the right sources make out time to meet them ask question of how they arrive where they are today and let them explain to you in details of the right steps to take and the mistake they make they create a setback on their way to the top of reaching where they are so make it real. Meet with the people of the same passion and drive in life.

Above all start well by starting with what you have already what’s that thing you have that certificate you’ve gotten, are educated if so get a job, are learned do you have a hand work what you can do to fetch you income turning your talent to earn you income for life every human has a potential imbedded in him/her looking inward and discover yours what are you good at written, making or platting of hair, you can speak a motivational speaker or writer all these is what you’ve got to start with so lunch out to start well today and….

So Many Goals But No Place To Go

All the personal growth literature tells us we should have goals to work on, affirmations to repeat, and that we should be constantly visualizing our future each day. All well and good. So…
If that’s true, then why are most people in exactly the same place after all this personal growth stuff as they were before they started?
The reason comes down to an overall lack of life vision. In other words, there is no master plan for life. What is the point of setting goals, or working on affirmations, if you have no idea where the thrust of your life is headed in the first place? In other words, what are you here on this Earth to do? WHY are you working towards these goals (if you have any)?

Most people do not have any answers to these basic questions. Ask a small child, and you’re quite likely to get an answer to the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”. However, if
you ask an adult a similar question, such as, “Where would you like to be in 10 years time, and what would you like to be doing?”, you are likely to be greeted by silence…
Aren’t you?!…
So, how can we have given up on our dreams to this extent? Part of the answer lies in childhood. Whether at school or at home, the need to be “realistic” and “stop daydreaming” was hammered
into each of us again and again. So effective was this mental conditioning that most of can no longer figure out WHY we have no idea what our dreams are! We have been so conditioned from the outside, and have compromised so often on the inside, that there is no dreaming power left. That which is nurtured grows. That which is neglected withers and dies.
Instead, we find ourselves in a place we never planned to be in. Most of us simply drifted there, without plan or design. Then, from that position, we try to create goals and dreams that the
critical mind regards as “appropriate” or “possible”. However, because these goals are not true to our hearts, they do not motivate us, or fill us with any passion to achieve them.
Goals, and all the rest of it, do no good if you have nowhere specific you are heading to. You really need to get your head above day-to-day concerns to determine what the whole point of your goals is.

Michael Gerber, author of “The E-Myth” describes a similar situation in the world of business. It seems that a lot of people become business entrepreneurs, mainly from a desire to escape the slavery of the 9 to 5 routine, and be free of the boss. The only problem is that, whilst these people may be good “technicians”, this does not necessarily guarantee success in their own
business. Instead, many find themselves “trapped” in their dream, to the point where they finally hate it, and realize that this was not what they really wanted anyhow.
Look at it another way. Hollywood typically spends over $100 million on a blockbuster movie. With these figures at stake, directors cannot afford to mentally drift. Films made these days are storyboarded first; drawings (or even animations), are created for every single shot in every single scene. Everything is visualized with crystal clarity before filming even begins. By contrast, imagine the sort of movies we would be watching if directors went about their craft the way we do our lives!
Without a clear vision of where we are heading, we can be terribly active achieving goals that take us nowhere specific. Indeed, all this activity can serve as a good excuse for not raising our heads high enough to see where we are actually going. Or NOT going!

So, what can you do? The answer is, develop a vision, as clearly as possible, for what your life is about, and where you are heading. What is your “major definite purpose”, as Napoleon Hill termed it? What are you here to do?
If you do not know the answer to this question, this is the first goal you should set; to find out. You must develop a mental image of your desired future, and develop it so clearly that you can
see it, smell it, taste it and touch it. Then, keep that vision before you often each day, and use it to fuel your goal creation.
Take time to ponder your dreams. Give yourself a regular period of time each day to do this, especially if you have no clear vision of them at present. This process may take time and cannot
be hurried, because you are reactivating faculties that have been long dormant. Without this clear vision, any other goals and affirmations you develop are virtually as good as useless. Yes, they may take you forward a bit. But in which direction, and for what purpose? Without an overall life vision, you really have no idea.
You should ask yourself questions about all aspects of your life. Where do you want to be financially, spiritually, in relationships, health wise, and so on? Gradually let the vision develop as you relax and take time to elicit it from deep within you. You may wish to write it down as it emerges.
Try not to judge or censor. That will only shut down the creative process. Let it be okay to think of the ridiculous, because nothing is as ridiculous as it may seem. People have taken up mountaineering at the age of sixty five. There was a time when Van Gogh had to learn to draw, and he was already an adult at the time!
Hence, be gentle with yourself, but retain the belief that much is possible if you have faith. It may takes days, weeks or even months. However, if you make developing a life vision your primary goal, then all others will fall into place, and you will find the infinite inner energy with which to accomplish them.


Human are made born to impact and to make the best out of life of which they exist so many people are still wondering haven’t been able to discover there worth never been able to know there face value as human we are made to do whatever we aim at your face value determines your worth, your worth determines your acceptability in the face of the people around, so watch it and make yourself that asset of intangible worth.

What’s worth the stuff you are made off are you what you feel or think you are rate yourself, never limit yourself on what you can do lunch out and move out to the outside world reach out to touch each life as your worth is never a stumbling block to your attainment of greatness, but wait your worth sometimes matters when it comes to achieving greatness cause greatness starts from within right there in your inner mind.

Your thought project what you have within to the outside world you never can tell how a person cause as a man thinketh so he is think small achieve little think big achieve beyond the ordinary, never look at yourself as someone that is outcast or better still forgotten thou it might seems that the world has forgotten you never look away from that concentrate on what you have now, work out early and late start with what you have and one day the world will stand aside to celebrate you cause you are born to reign in life, born to inspire, born to make things and let things happen you’re never what you think you are never feel inferior, low self-esteem there is more to what you think you are Your Worth an Hero Lies in you.

See those great men of today they never start big they started small so small that you never can tell that they will emerge so great today; it all started with the mind what the heart can conceive the mind can achieve it.

Something Special

No one is ever born a coward nor is a good for nothing fellow, everyone born is born for a reason and with a purpose God made man empowered him to dominate and multiply the earth where he lives see there’s more to you then you think.

There is still room for high adventure of attempting the impossible what you need is aspiration without it, seas would never had been crossed poles ascended; instead of braving the upper air on the wings of wind, man would still be creeping among the brutes that perish. Through Aspiration Mountains were surveyed, island discovered and valley explored every researcher has a neither marked of quality in his system nor was not the spectacle through which the past heroes viewed their services for their fatherland.

Within you there many resources waiting to be tapped untapped resources they are and there is nothing that is on motion without not be apply force to such an object so is it to the resource, is just like a sugar in a tea cup with you not staring that tea after you might have a sugar to it you won’t feel the effect of that sugar in that tea so is it to the resources placed inside of you. For everyone that walk around in the street out there, there is something special everyone got to offer the world, his days and those around him/her where she lives so show case to the world that which you have inside you let it come out the inside out of what you worth and carry.

Be a man, neither boy nor a woman, girl of vision an epitome of selfless ambition have aspiration for your discipline single yourself out of the crowd strive to make a remarkable grade in your course of choice with this you can become somebody for your family, somebody for your nation and successfully retain the divine service which you’ve labored for, in the proper perspective, leaving a mark in the Annuals of History.

Annuals of History Yes! Because in the world we live today no one wants to celebrate a failure but success neither do anyone born of a woman wants to associate with good for nothing fellow but the world create room for that man, for that boy, for that woman, for that girl who knows where He/She is going to not that one who is like a ship that lost her compass on the seas without no destination the next point of call. You got to discover the inner you your inner strength its attribute that makes you different from that person next to you, that you yourself are made to impact created to impact the world around you and beyond, that your birth is not by accident that you are born to rule, inspire to motivate, look well therefore to yourself how you live there’s more to you then you think within you something special awaits you for you to offer the world the world is waiting to celebrate you cause you are born to reign.

…Something Special, comes out of someone Special,

Who’s got some Special gift to offer the world in a

Spectacular way…

…Little wonder you’re as someone Special indeed

You’re, ‘cos you’ve possessed something none can


…It’s a diamond, that can’t met away, ‘cos it has, is

Is, and will be there forever.

The world awaits you ‘cos you’ve got Something Special worth waiting for so indispensable that the world at large even the universe will stand aside to see that which you possess within you a better you which is to come forth, cause you’ve got so much to offer your day Something so Special just within you if you believe is true an hero lies in you so brave new world brave up and lunch out to the outside world and show them what you got that diamond that cannot met away.

Start out early reconnect to the right source never cut corner there is no short cut to success in this life, never feel to big for God remember any river that forget is sources will defiantly run dry with Him you are something without Him you’re less to nothing you can’t outlive Him, move with the wise people of like mind who believe in what you are doing who share the same vision and dream with you, live beyond the four walls of your room home cause when you are in your house you feel as if you have arrived wait until you get out there then you know you haven’t arrive yet lunch out go the seminar, visit friends you think this people can assist you to become somebody for your family, somebody for your nation and somebody in the society.

Be a Thinker

We all need to invest our time and resources in reasoning. The more you invest in reasoning, the higher result you ultimately get every great thinker is a solution bearer he is a high flayer stretch your mind put it to work because greatness starts from within.

Champions are still sleeping. A meditative mind is a creative mind cause creative thinking result into a creative result see you are where you are today because of the thoughts you have maintained up to this point in your life a man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

As a man thinketh so he is, it is never wrong to think right and not just right but positively many people have been found in the act of discouraging the next fellow from this act (Thinking) and this is borne out of the ignorance of their heart until you are a deep thinker you cannot harness the great potential inside you.

You cannot encounter change in your lifestyle without changing your thought, until you are a deep thinker you cannot discover who truly you are and what you are capable of doing or of achieving in life immerse yourself in the right thought and you we’ll become the person you long to be. You must fashion your thought towards positive inventions you don’t give attention to thoughts to ruin other people around.

Good thoughts and action can never produce bad results neither can bad thought and action produce good result it is the state of your mind that determines what comes out of it, nothing else can come from corn but corn, nothing else can come from maize but maize. Your thought is the fount of your action, life and manifestation make the foundation of your heart pure and all will be pure.

That presupposes that until thoughts is linked with purity there will be no intelligent or outstanding accomplishment “You will become as small as your controlling desires, as great as your dominant aspiration.”

The different between the dead and the living is breath while the dead man is without life the living is still has full life in him, a dead man cannot think if the living therefore cannot think just as the dead man he is better or called a dead man. So think!

What you are so is your world.

Everything in the universe it resolved into your own inward experience it matters little what is without, for it is all a reflection of your own state of consciousness it matters everything what you are within, for everything without will be mirrored and colored accordingly.

A man is literally what he thinks he is remember what goes on with you is the out put of what manifest outside you, you seems as if you are never who you wanted to be a life that is thoughtless that life is never a success a man’s thought keeps him going a pure thought project a good thought, an impure thought never bring forth a good one result at all but a bad and worse result.

We are what we think all what we are arises with our thought, and with that our thought we make our world. Set your mind on a certain thing be real and watch what preoccupy your mind, good thinking good product…bad thinking bad product, your action is a bye-product of your thought cause it like an image projector which project to the outside world what goes on within you.

In Your Hands

Don’t say, if things were different, I would do something.” Do something with them as they are facing your life as it is now and winning is the object when things go wrong and money stops coming in, or you lose your job and everything goes wrong take account of stock see what you have forgotten and go on and conquer. Anything you want to attain here in this life depends by you your own very self, cause is in your hands to use whatsoever you to make it big in life.

A man of aspiration is quite insatiate.

Of his present achievement he work his hand to the bone his philosophy is not equality with anybody but blazing the tray for everybody a man full of aspiration sees beyond his microscopic environment His optimism for his course of choice can no mortal man ward off His motto is Oliver Goldsmith – “Where determination is predominant failure cannot dismantle the flag of success.”

We dream what would do if…Now wipe out “if” dream and do it regardless of circumstances you say that cannot be done if can be done there is no “can’t” about it if you think you can then you can, the man who wills to do it who put up the fight and is willing to do the work, can put it over, never say if I had a chance what most of us say that if I had a chance but circumstances were against me I don’t have an education I don’t have the pull.” We lay our failure to the lack of opportunities, the other fellow handicapped worse than we made opportunities and he fought until opportunity come to him success belongs to that man who simply wills to do it he is the man who makes success comes is way but that fellow who lies down and say “I can’t do it.” Is a failure.

Never lose heart because the first effort fails go back and find the reason pick up the wreckage of old failure and build them into success, remember your life is in your hands, your future depends on you, your place in the society is in your hands tomorrow is in your hands.

Do all you can to be among the world shaker never curt corner wait for your time cause you have an appointed time the world awaits cause you have a date with history, everything all depends on you, if you like you mess everything up by your yourself with your own very hand look out there is for those who dares to take a risk cause everything in life is all about taking chances “risk.”

What’s your talent, Your drive what you passionate about?, what do you do that brings you joy and happiness? Discover this and move out with the right set of people like mind, have a magnetic power that magnet you to your dreams and goals of what you want to attain in life. But wait while magnetic power?

Few people realize the force that exist in a vigorous perpetual affirmation of the thing we long to be or are determine to accomplish, great things are done under the stress of an over mastering conviction of one’s ability to do what he undertakes; under the tremendous power of the affirmatives, expressed with unflinching determination.

The very intensity of your affirmation of confidence is your ability to do what you attempt is definitely related to the degree of your achievement. You need great projective power.

There is one thing which will gives a timid soul such assurance, which will so brace up one who is inclined to depreciate and efface himself as the constant affirmation of the “I am; I am courage; I am health; I am vigor; I am strength; I am power; I am peace; I am plenty; I am success; I am part of abundance; because I am one with the very source.

You can do it if only you think you can, the very source of life is right there in the palm of your hands work the work take the risk, set your mind on a certain thing work out both early and late hard work never kills it pave the way to reach the top for you, get God in you, get education read books, get courage, get determination, get focus, get tenacity, get vision, have desire, have aspiration, be diligent, the never dying spirit, and watch your dreams come true is in your hands welcome to a new world of your own where you take charge of circumstances and situation write your script, join the winning team and rule your world.

Everyone born into this world at one particular

period of time are born for a purpose with a dream

to achieve no one is born with a dream, no one

within you, there is a diamond in you

look within your soul and find that an hero lies within you

discover that today cause you are not born to be nobody

article of no commercial value but an inestimable jewel.

Within you there’s a potential yet untapped waiting to be tapped

you are born to dominate…born to rule

a voice that will be hard…a sun that will set and shine one day

you never good for nothing fellow but a gem in making

the day you where born there’s an uncommon star

that appears up in the sky which means you not just a mere human being

but a gift to your generation created to impact.

Your worth can not be compare to anything

so made to rule the world, never limit yourself you are much

more then what you think you are…there is more to what you

think you are see yourself as an undefeated being cause your

a born champion, a champion never limit his/her ability

only if you are willing to pay the price.

Many rivers to cross…Mountains to climb

Records to be broken…Theories to propound

Land to explore…Innovation to innovate

You see to attain those things above is not going to be easy at all

cause success never comes on a platter of gold you’ve got to work

you have to work burn the night candle…learn you have to learn

right attitude you have to work.


They are three set or group of human being in this world

First: those that let things happen!

Second: Those that make things happen!!

Third: Those that watch things happen!!!

So where are you? Rate Yourself

Where are you from doesn’t matter in life

but where actually are going

your purpose here on earth really matter

cause you are what you make out of yourself

you determine your worth, your worth set you out

not just out but stands you out of the crowd from the missed multitude

you are never a coward neither a good for nothing fellow.

See the day you discover who you are

you stop living in the past…never live in the past

cause the past remains with the past

any one that is still holding on to the past

will be tied to the past and for such kind of person

there’s no progress for Him/Her.

So rate yourself where are you?

where do you belong to?

what class of success do you fit in?

wake-up you’ve been on that spot for long

this is the time to move before you are lock out

‘cos how will you feel one day you woke-up

and suddenly you realize that you are left far behind oh

how will you feel?


We are all born to recreate and to impact the world

we live in cause God created us in His own image

He gave us power to dominate and to explore the earth

He made us just to be like Him, with so much in us all

to offer our days and generation, that’s why we are different

from all other creature he created we are called Human beings.

We created to recreate to conquer and make things happen

we never created to be no good for nothing fellow, but

we are made to; explore, dominate, create and do beyound

the ordinary eyes of man so we are special being.

Explore the power of the mind within you

never limit yourself or feel inferior better still

low self esteem reach out from your hiding place

be real and come out from your comfort zone

see the world is a big place, you’re a sleeping child.

Oh my sleeping child the world looks wide

and you build your own paradise

cause you’ve got a dream so big

that you want to go out of your way to achieve that

wake up and move while the door is open

welcome to a world of possibilities

the land where innovation meets performance.

I Know I Will Make It

Sometimes I feel powerless and defeated

When all around me seems too far to be touched?

Too hard to handle;

Too hot to come close

And too big to conquer

But my spirit keeps on telling me

That I just have to press on;

For behind the rain is sunshine,

For after the race is a crown of victory,

A new dawn is here;

Your skies are still blue;

You can make it through;

You have got the strength;

To fight the battle and win

Now I have found a new hope

A hope of assurance,

A hope of victory

No matter how deep the ocean of defeat may?

I will fight the battle

I can stand the test of time

Holding on to my watch word

That I know I can make it

With God I know

I know I can stand

No matter what may come my ways

I know I can make it

Because I have someone who had made it

I know I can

I can be what I want to be

If I work and pray

Yes! I will make it.


Life is uncertain sometimes

We are up other times we are down

Just down and out

Turning us to where it pleases

Life is flitting away

Sometimes static other times we move

So move while the door is open

Because it can never come by again

Opportunity comes but once.

Lets look into the life

Of musician celebrities

They reign they comes in along

When they come out at first

They are everywhere you see them around.

Making headlines on every homes and lips

In both the media printing and electronic

We scream for them at the sound of there music

We have their music on our phones and ipod

We love them so much they make us to stand up

When they perform we stand our feet and scream for them.

But in a moment not quite long

Gradually they start flitting away;

Away from their fans

Away from the public

Away form the media

Away from the market

Away from the top ten chart

Away from the entertainment industry.

Sometimes we reign

Getting the world at our feet

Making headlines in the news

Home, heart, mind and soul

Shinning like a star in the sky

But one day will become dim.

Look at the stars

The superstar when they are reigning

The public, media and fans hold them

In high esteem.

The Finish Line

there is a race a crown to be worn a conquest to conquer

with so many rivers to cross, records to be broken history to rewrite

footprint to be left in the sands of times leaving a legacy behind the land of


The road to success isn’t easy at all there are potholes to watch out for decision to be taken, caution to be observe, and many booms to over take write script get to the finish line and succeed.

You determine your height in life how far you can go is left for you to decide whether you be great is determine by your ability to outstand the test of success cause greatness is not achieve on the platter of gold they are price to be paid mountains to climb, records to be broken and the success is yours.

Make the best use of today and invent and engrave your name on the sand of time remember footprint in the sands of time are not made site down if you want to be recognize you must learn to work study hard if you want to be the best you have to top the rest read and pray seldom play trust in God and he will never fails.

Write your script…get to the finish line

Join the winning team and succeed see you on top welcome to the class of nobles where the eagles fly see you on top