Brand Packaging: Reflecting the Right Image

Branding is your identity in the marketplace, what speaks for you when you are not there in the market the question now is this, is yours saying what it should? Your company image is all about the appearance of your packaging. What is your company image saying to the marketplace? Cause your packages tells a whole a lot about you and your company’s image.
It’s imperative to realize that packaging always either has a negative or positive influence on the purchaser. A negative impression can indirect route a potential customer, just as a positive reaction can pressure a customer to buy. A moment in time to pay exceptional attention to your packaging is when you are in the start off a “new” brand. If you’ve already built a physically powerful brand that others are acquainted with habitually people may not pay as close attention to the packaging.
How can you package your brand so that it is a fundamental part of your business and represents a strong identity? Keep in mind that I am not speaking of packaging has only a box that contains a product, but as a vehicle that reflects your company’s brand and image. Packaging can be judged and represented by the following common business tools:
• Business cards and stationery
• Web site
• Answering system
• Email address
What image are you putting across with these business tools that you use everyday? What are they saying about your company? Take a few moments and let’s look at each one of these.
What are your business cards and stationery saying? Are they saying we are strong, we are confident, and we can succeed in helping you? Or does it reflect an image that says we are flimsy, our dynamics are minimal, and we will try but we cannot guarantee continuity?
What does your web site say about your company? Does it reflect professionalism, clarity, and show them that you respect and care about them? Or does your web site confuse viewers, project an untrustworthy image of your company and ultimately drive potential customers away?
What does your answering system and call return policy say about your company? Does it say we are here to help, eager for you business and will do what it takes? Or is it putting across the message that you are too busy to cater to new clientele, don’t care about their needs, and wish they would just quit calling?
What does your email address say about your company? Does it suggest your role in the company, is it easy to remember, and does it something about you and your business? Or does it project a meaningless or generic emptiness? If you are using the email address for your business dealings…………….it’s time to change!!!!!

…End Notes.
As you can see all these things speak volumes about your image and they either strengthen or weaken your brand. Your image is all in the packaging. Would potential clients take a second look or is your message getting lost? If you thought these things were not worth the investment or didn’t matter, you were wrong. Clients and customers will make assessments of your company based on these things and while not always conscious, that customer appraisal says much about your business, your attitude and your priorities.

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