Customer’s Satisfaction

The critical point for manager’s to understand is that service is a means to achieving the end of customer satisfaction this make it important to focus on the end out the means that to determine the specific components of customer’s satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
Customer’s satisfaction must be the utmost thing in the heart of any organization or business venture better still a firm it should be handled as a point of urgency ‘cos as an important element it is to the business for it to grow customer’s satisfaction is needed.
Customers cannot be satisfied until after they are not dissatisfied. Your first services priority should be to eliminate all the opportunities of dissatisfying customers because they are what cause customers to leave. Then you can invest in dissatisfying and delighting them.
Over time there has the time there has been a large growth in the number and type of firms offering loyalty programs, many industries, organization, the fight not only to attract customers but also to retain their continuing support once captured characterizes firm and business ventures.
When building a loyalty program one should focus on your competitors create customer loyalty schemes to encourage repeat business and build up a positive brand image among your client is just not creating a loyalty program and other method of customer bonding just with a aim to give good and adequate customer’s satisfaction.
For a customer satisfaction to be achieved focus on what dissatisfy the customer identified it once it has been identified by meeting with the customer and also with employees that attain to them on daily basis then implement them.
First concentrate on identifying and then eliminating the cause of dissatisfaction because, as we mentioned these are what cause customers to leave remember, preventing customer dissatisfaction is a prerequisite to achieving satisfaction. This satisfaction customer truly involves gaining the winning hand in a losing game.

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