Counting the Cost

Every body would do well to remember that
every successful business stands on
the foundation of Morality. -Henry Beecher
Doing business takes a lot of things and it entails more much, more then a common person thought a business is general thing, some people thought that business is all about making profit out of making product available for sales but is more than this cause a business is a service to humanity that’s is one of those things that count in business with so many others we be considering in Counting The Cost (CTC).
Before going into business site down and count the cost of what it will cost you to venture into business be it whatever one you had in mind to do. The first thing here is to look at your portfolio how is it? Can it finance the business you’re about to venture into cause that matters most in whatever business ideas you want to venture into counting the cost take stock of what you need for the business.
Man power matters most which is labour how many staff will you be able to pay for their services and how we you recruit them all what means and method counting the cost has to be done with careful planning and thinking a thoughtful one there, cause if you rush into business so you’ll rush out then you’ll hear people saying don’t mind him he doesn’t know how to do business, for your capital have a residue where you can fall on when you’re running short of capital or about to liquate that’s matters so much.
Your asset how much do you want them to cost, your asset here entails your building which is your office, cars and staff bus, furniture and fittings, machines. Etc with this entire all should be put in consideration when setting out to run a business.
Fashion out your product how do you want it to look right there in the market cause your product determines how far your company can go in the business world, what set of people your product is appealing to, to what audience do your product wants to target what do you have in mind to offer for sales your ideas here branding and packaging comes in to play cause your packaging determines that product stability in the market it wrapper is it attractive in eyes when sighted afar off, your brand what kind of brand do you want to project as you commence business operation you know you’re just coming into the business world not only that but into the market so your first attempt matters so much to the general public and corporate world.
The method of your advertising better still marketing of your new business and ideas to the world matters the cost of that should be ascertain what kind of means or method do you have in mind site down an estimate the cost and value is it the mass media, electronic media, the web internet nor the ICT world you want to use.
So in conclusion Count The Cost (CTC) before finally settling out into business so your story will not be the one that wasn’t able to finish what he started make sure you have enough capital to go into business cause business is not a child’s play if you rush in you’ll as well rush out but carefully planning into business you stay there and build a conglomerate, see you on top as you unleash that business ideas you have but count the cost first before going into business.
The darkest hour in the history
Of an young person is when
He or she sits down to plan
How to get money without
Honestly earning it. –Horace Greeley

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