I encourage you to cast big dreams
That will stretch your imagination
And requires you to rely on divine inspiration
To sustain you but you must start
Where you are and use what you have

When our dreams exceed
Our resources and our vision
Transcends our present opportunities
We must remember to start small
Even as we strive towards success

Because starts-up often have few resources
To underwrite the early years
Many entrepreneurs will have to employ
A measured approach to their dreams
It isn’t a lack of faith that makes you start small

It simply the access to capital
And the understanding that you may not
Have the time or necessary resources
To devote your full attention to your dream
Without bankrupting your other responsibilities

You have to start where you are
Modify your strategy to fit your realities
But whatever you do don’t remain dormant
You must use what is in your hands
Start small finish big

This principle reminds me of the way
God instructed Moses when the people
Of Israel were enslaved in Egypt
God told him to start with what he had in his hands
And that was a staff later turn to a snake

A Chinese proverb remind us
That a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step
I would say that a million-dollar empires
Start with the one thing you already do well
The one talent, ability, skill or service that others need

But every journey no matter how big
Starts with one foot in from of the other
The sky may be your limit
But reality is always your runway
If you want to soar you first have to flap your wings.

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