What Matters Most In Business

Your business determine you
You determine your business.
There is nothing more important in business
Then speed. –Joseph Addison
As we talk about business many things comes to our sebaceous mind, which is a normal thing to act that way. As we venture into business what matters most in business is capital the bedrock on which all other things are rested on without capital there can be no business that’s why capital is called the net worth of a business.
Yourself also matters been an individual of an honest report and financial worthiness cause you’re the motor that drives the ideas of that business venture be it production wise, infrastructure, office furniture and fittings, the kind of brand and packaging to be implemented and the way the business will be run all comes from you, see what I mean in the beginning that you determines your business and your business determines you.
Another most important aspect of what matters most in the business is your product, your brand what kind of product idea do you have in mind to unleash and to what audience you want to reach the adult, youth and children those of which your product appeals to very much and useful to then to your brand image this has to be required with more skilled and thoughtful thinking to fashioned out the best brand that will rise from a brand to super brand.
Branding and packing are two inspirable things they work both hand in hand your packaging determines how your product we go far and sell right there in the market make sure your packaging is good well enough to attract buyers from after it matter your packaging and its brand.
Customer’s matters most in business cause they are seen as king, the end users of your product and the brand image of the product produced by the business depends on sole on them, so you have to provide a world customer service make the best effort to threat each customers as no 1,your customer is your intangible asset.
These are what matters most in business, your capital, yourself, your product, your brand, your packaging, your customer and your time spend they are all indispensable for business to grow.
Remember once again what matters most in business is;
  • Yourself: be honest and sincere with your employees, clients and yourself
  • Your net worth (capital): Have a strong capital base to stay afloat
  • Your employees: Treat them well they are your assets of inestimable price
  • Your product ideas: Ideas produce a super brand products
  • Your brand and packaging: Here determines your ability of creativity
  • Your customers: Handle your customers well and stay ahead of the market.
  • Your delivery: Make sure you deliver when possible as you say and fast
  • Your timing: Be on time to work; cause punctuality is the soul of business.
The art of winning in business
is in working hard and not in taking things
too serious. –Elbert Green Hubbard

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